
Yong Soon Min: Groundswell

About the Exhibition

Yong Soon Min (b.1953, Seoul, South Korea) has created Groundswell, a succession of three house forms that represent the evolution of an ideal community. The first house is prototypical—black, undistinguished, half-buried and half-emerging. The second is open and airy, with a black and white spiral form inside that suggests opposing forces and the struggle for change. The final house is vibrantly colored and welcoming. The artist says it is “a home, inhabited finally by people of all backgrounds who feel a sense of belonging and community. City Hall Park is the living symbol of the public forum which has witnessed numerous declarations, celebrations and protests for its citizens’ visions of an ideal, of social progress. I hope my work may contribute its symbolic voice to this ongoing chorus.”

Min’s work is exhibited along with works by Edgar Heap-of-Birds, Christopher Hewat, Margia Kramer, and Thomas Lawson.



City Hall Park

Broadway & Chambers Street

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