With the health and safety of our patrons, partners, friends, and staff in mind, we have decided to cancel Public Art Fund’s 2020 Benefit. We hope to be able to celebrate with you in 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact Courtney Knights at [email protected].
In the meantime, we wish you all good health and would like to thank our Benefit Co-Chairs and Committee for their generous leadership and support of the event.
Sarah Arison & Thomas Wilhelm
Jodi & Andrew Dady
Andrea Krantz & Harvey Sawikin
Jill & Peter Kraus
Jennifer & Jason New
Elizabeth & Richard Pepperman
Patty & Howard Silverstein
Amy & David Abrams
Nancy & Ziggy Alderman
Alan & Judith Appelbaum
Lori & Harley Bassman
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Tanya Bonakdar Gallery
James Keith Brown & Eric Diefenbach
Elise & Andrew Brownstein
Ellen & Andrew Celli
Ilene S. Cooper
The Cynthia L. and William E. Simon, Jr. Foundation
Katherine Farley & Jerry Speyer
Wendy Fisher
Alan H. & Judith R. Fishman
Wendy Fisher
Sara Fitzmaurice
Lloyd S. Frank
Karen Freedman & Roger Weisberg
Nina Freedman & Michael Rosenbaum
Sara Friedlander & Matthew Siegel
Gladstone Gallery
Dorian Goldman & Marvin Israelow
Vicki Gross & Jonathan Levine
Liz & Steve Gruber
Agnes Gund
Jennifer & Matthew Harris
Patricia E. Harris & Mark D. Lebow
Karen Hillenburg
Holly Kelly
Linda Lennon & Stuart Baskin
Lerner Family Foundation
Dorothy Lichtenstein
Holly & Jonathan Lipton
Lizbeth Marano & Mel Bochner
Ronay & Richard Menschel
Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York
Ruthard C. Murphy
Ellen & George Needham
Elin & Michael Nierenberg
Douglas M. Polley
Cynthia Rowley & Bill Powers
Linda & Andrew Safran
Bette & Richard Saltzman
Carla Shen
Charles B. Short & Chet Krayewski
Sandra & Tony Tamer
Times Square Alliance
Helen & Peter Warwick
Dorsey Waxter & Richard Armstrong
Allison Weisberg & Peter Barker-Huelster
Idell & Lawrence Weisberg
David Wine & Michael P. MacElhenny
Lists in formation as of April 20, 2020
The 2020 Benefit was originally scheduled for Thursday, April 30, 2020 and later rescheduled for Monday, September 21, 2020 at Metropolitan West.